Here's the original link:
Here's a pic of the perv:
Clint "I'ma fuckin' perv" Eastwood (No, not this 1)

Fuck you, dude!
Child porn pervert sent to prison
A 37-year-old has been sent to prison for distributing child porn.
Clint Eastwood, of Acregate Lane, Ribbleton, Preston, was caught with 180 illegal child porn images.Preston Crown Court was told that Eastwood's offending came to light when police were called to investigate complaints by a 13-year-old boy and girl. They told police that they went to a house in Preston last January to see a friend and Eastwood was there. Prosecutor, Graham Pickavance, said the defendant, in full view of the youngsters, turned on a computer and the live webcam showed a man committing an indecent act. Police were called and eventually Eastwood's computer was seized. There was evidence he had distributed some of the illegal child porn images to others, the court was told.One of the images was of a most serious category although the vast majority were of the lower levels the judge was told. Eastwood had denied two charges of causing a child to watch a sexual act for his own gratification. He claimed to a jury in a trial last month that he had agreed the children could wait at the property for their friend and they had accidentally seen the webcam. The jury convicted him on both charges by unanimous verdicts.
Eastwood pleaded guilty to 16 offences of distributing illegal images of children, 12 of making illegal images and one charge of possessing child porn. As well as the three year jail term, Judge Andrew Blake ordered that all computer equipment in his possession was confiscated. He also told Eastwood that he would be on the Sex Offenders Register for life and disqualified him from ever working with children. A background report had stated he still represented a high risk of re-offending, the judge told him. Andrew Sinker, for Eastwood, said the majority of the images, while illegal, were not of the most serious categories. He had no previous convictions involving sexual matters, added Mr Sinker.
Fuckin' bastard...
I hope he meets a really nice man in prison who will make him his "bitch."
Fuck guys like this!!
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